I-MEP² Doctoral School : Engineering - Materials, Mechanics, Environment, Energy, Processes, Production
L'ED I-MEP² (N° 510)
It brings together over 450 doctoral students in the field of engineering, in the following thesis specialties :
- EC: Electrochemistry
- MG: Mechanical, civil engineering
- MAT: Materials
- MEP: Fluids mechanics, energetics, processes:
- GI: Industrial engineering, conception and production
co-accredited UGA / USMB
It brings together over 450 doctoral students in the field of engineering, in the following thesis specialties :
- EC: Electrochemistry
- MG: Mechanical, civil engineering
- MAT: Materials
- MEP: Fluids mechanics, energetics, processes:
- GI: Industrial engineering, conception and production
I-MEP² in figures
> 450 doctoral students
> 52% international students
> 100 theses defended each year
> 100% of theses funded
> 8 laboratories are attached to the ED I-MEP² on a principal basis, as well as many others on a secondary basis
> 52% international students
> 100 theses defended each year
> 100% of theses funded
> 8 laboratories are attached to the ED I-MEP² on a principal basis, as well as many others on a secondary basis
Hcéres evaluation
The I-MEP² ED received a positive overall assessment in its evaluation by the Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (Hcéres) in November 2019 for the doctoral school evaluation criteria (Functioning and scientific support, Supervision, Doctoral student training, Doctoral student follow-up and integration) > Full Hcéres evaluation report
The I-MEP² ED received a positive overall assessment in its evaluation by the Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (Hcéres) in November 2019 for the doctoral school evaluation criteria (Functioning and scientific support, Supervision, Doctoral student training, Doctoral student follow-up and integration) > Full Hcéres evaluation report
The I-MEP² Doctoral School is also a member of the REDOC-SPI network (Réseau National des Ecoles Doctorales en Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur)
This site publishes information on companies employing PhDs, based on LinkedIn, and gives them a voice on the Blog des Docteurs.
This site publishes information on companies employing PhDs, based on LinkedIn, and gives them a voice on the Blog des Docteurs.
Published on December 16, 2020
Updated on January 20, 2025
Updated on January 20, 2025