Conditions & prerequisites

Please email your application to (all required documents HERE)

Joining the I-MEP² Doctoral School is a 3-step process:

1. Application to the Doctoral School by email (list of documents to be provided HERE)

2. Pedagogical admission after approval by the Doctoral School

3. Administrative registration with the doctoral college's STS administrative center (schooling department)

Applying to the I-MEP² Doctoral School is based on 4 elements:

1. Hold a French or foreign* degree: Master 2 (including a research internship), Engineer or equivalent.

2. Be welcomed by one of laboratories attached to ED I-MEP²

3. Be supervised by an HDR (Habilité à Diriger des Recherches) thesis director from ED I-MEP².

4. Funding: Funding equivalent to at least the minimum wage is required for the duration of your thesis (36 months).
*Foreign diploma :
Holders of foreign degrees must submit their application to the UGA Doctoral College's Commission CD3 (Commission Dispenses, Dérogations Doctorales). The application is examined in 2 stages: the applicant sends his or her admission file to the Doctoral School, and if it is accepted, the Doctoral School presents the application to the UGA at one of these commissions.
Please note: in order to be properly examined, applications must be sent by email to the ED no later than 15 days before the CD3 Commission. (dates to be consulted in the Agenda section of this site, list of documents to be provided HERE).
Published on  January 8, 2021
Updated on March 11, 2024