Graduation ceremony: the Université Grenoble Alpes celebrates its PhDs!

Ceremony, Accolade/Award Research, Education
On  June 25, 2024Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Amphithéâtre Louis Weil
2024 PhD Graduation Ceremony - final
The Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) honored its 762 PhDs who graduated in 2023 at a ceremony on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. It was an opportunity to award diplomas and thesis prizes in front of their peers, their supervisors and very emotional families in the emblematic 850-seat Weil Amphitheater which was sold out.
For Pierre Lemonde, the director of the UGA Doctoral College, "we can see that year after year this event is always awaited and followed by graduates and their families who sometimes come from very far away to celebrate their loved one. It should be remembered that the PhD degree is the highest university degree, internationally recognized. It is also a diploma from UGA, a university that ranks in the best rankings. This diploma is therefore a great source of pride for them. It's also very moving to see graduates who come on stage with their children. It is a great moment of shared recognition."

44% of the PhDs graduated in 2023 are international

and Yassine Lakhnech, the president of the UGA, was keen to recall "the richness and importance of this diversity, which is a key element in the vitality of French research and which must not be hindered." Doctoral students are indeed the lungs of research in laboratories."
Cordelia Schmid, European Körber Scientific Prize 2023 for her work in artificial intelligence and alumni 1996 was the godmother of the evening and was able to look back on her career. She stressed in particular that "when you believe in what you are doing, you have to be persevering, to stand firm, when your colleagues tell you that you are embarking on a dead end because at the end of the road there are sometimes unexplored and promising paths."
From left to right: Pierre Lemonde, Director of the UGA Doctoral College; Yassine Lakhnech, president of the UGA; Cordelia Schmid, research director at Inria and researcher at Google.
From left to right: Pierre Lemonde, Director of the UGA Doctoral College; Yassine Lakhnech, president of the UGA; Cordelia Schmid, research director at Inria and researcher at Google.

8 Academic Thesis Prizes, 2 Innovation Thesis Prizes and 1 SER Thesis Prize to crown particularly outstanding thesis work

Among the 762 new PhDs, ten laureates received their thesis prizes: eight academic thesis prizes, one of which is interdisciplinary, and two innovation thesis prizes, with the SER thesis prize as a novelty this year. It rewards thesis work that respects the criteria defined by the institution in terms of social and environmental responsibility, both in the conduct of the thesis and in the application purposes. It is awarded to a doctor who has already won an academic thesis or innovation prize, which denotes a very high quality level of the thesis. The winner is thus doubly rewarded. This award also reflects the evolution we are seeing in the laboratories and the commitment of our PhD students and their work on social issues.
UGA Winners Thesis Prizes 2024
To find out more about the 2024 Thesis Prizes
In addition to their cutting-edge expertise in their scientific field, these young researchers develop broad skills during their PhD, for example in terms of project management, research valorization or management. They are therefore very well equipped to provide original solutions to the challenges they will face in their career pursuit, whether in business, in the academic world or with regard to societal issues.

To watch the PhD' ceremony

Published on  June 28, 2024
Updated on  June 28, 2024